Unlocking Security: A Step-by-Step Guide to Active Directory Federation Server – Verification Code by Email
Image by Kenichi - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking Security: A Step-by-Step Guide to Active Directory Federation Server – Verification Code by Email

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Are you tired of dealing with password-related issues and security breaches in your organization? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you through the process of setting up an Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS) with verification code by email, providing an additional layer of security to your authentication process.

What is Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS)?

ADFS is a software component developed by Microsoft that provides a secure way to access external applications and services using your organization’s Active Directory credentials. It acts as an intermediary between your organization’s internal network and external services, allowing users to access multiple resources with a single set of credentials.

Why Use Verification Code by Email?

Traditional password-based authentication methods can be vulnerable to attacks, such as phishing and password cracking. By introducing a verification code sent to a user’s email address, you add an extra layer of security to the authentication process, making it much harder for malicious actors to gain unauthorized access.

Benefits of Verification Code by Email

  • Improved security: Verification codes sent to a user’s email address provide an additional layer of security, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Reduced password-related issues: With verification codes, users don’t need to remember complex passwords, reducing the likelihood of forgotten passwords and password-related support requests.
  • Enhanced user experience: The verification code by email process is seamless and convenient, providing users with a hassle-free authentication experience.

Setting Up ADFS with Verification Code by Email

Now that we’ve covered the benefits, let’s dive into the step-by-step process of setting up ADFS with verification code by email.


  • Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS) installed and configured
  • SMTP server setup for email notifications
  • Access to the ADFS management console

Step 1: Configure ADFS for Email Verification

In the ADFS management console, navigate to Authentication Policies and select New.

 Authentication Policy Name: Email Verification Policy
 Authentication Method: Email

Select Add to create a new policy.

Step 2: Configure Email Settings

Navigate to Service > Email > Email Configuration.

 SMTP Server: smtp.example.com
 SMTP Port: 25
 From Address: [email protected]

Replace the placeholders with your organization’s SMTP server details.

Step 3: Create a Verification Code Provider

Create a new Verification Code Provider in the ADFS management console.

Provider Name: Email Verification Provider
Provider Type: Email

Select Add to create a new provider.

Step 4: Configure the Verification Code Provider

Configure the Email Verification Provider settings:

Email Template: 
 Subject: Verification Code for ADFS Authentication
 Body: Dear {username}, your verification code is: {code}

Customize the email template as needed.

Step 5: Associate the Verification Code Provider with the ADFS Policy

Associate the Email Verification Provider with the Email Verification Policy created in Step 1.

 Authentication Policy: Email Verification Policy
 Verification Code Provider: Email Verification Provider

Select Save to save the changes.

Step 6: Test the Verification Code by Email

Test the verification code by email process by attempting to access an ADFS-protected application.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

If you encounter any issues during the setup process, refer to the following troubleshooting tips:

Issue Solution
Email verification codes not being sent Check SMTP server settings and ensure the email address is correctly configured in ADFS.
Users not receiving verification codes Verify that the user’s email address is correctly configured in Active Directory and ADFS.
Authentication failures Check the ADFS event logs for errors and ensure the verification code provider is correctly configured.


By following this comprehensive guide, you’ve successfully set up an Active Directory Federation Server with verification code by email, providing an additional layer of security to your organization’s authentication process. Remember to regularly review and update your ADFS configuration to ensure optimal security and performance.

Additional Resources

Stay ahead of security threats and ensure the integrity of your organization’s data with Active Directory Federation Server and verification code by email.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on Active Directory Federation Server – Verification Code by Email!

What is the purpose of using email verification code in Active Directory Federation Server (ADFS)?

The primary purpose of using email verification code in ADFS is to provide an additional layer of security for users accessing federated applications. This ensures that only authorized users with a valid email address can access the resources, reducing the risk of unauthorized access and phishing attacks.

How does the email verification code process work in ADFS?

When a user tries to access a federated application, ADFS sends a verification code to the user’s registered email address. The user must enter this code to complete the sign-in process, ensuring that they have access to the registered email account and are less likely to be an attacker.

Can I customize the email verification code template in ADFS?

Yes, you can customize the email verification code template in ADFS to fit your organization’s branding and style. This allows you to provide a consistent user experience and reinforce your organization’s identity.

What happens if a user doesn’t receive the email verification code?

If a user doesn’t receive the email verification code, they can request for a new code to be sent. This ensures that the user can still access the federated application, while maintaining the security benefits of email verification.

Is email verification code required for all users in ADFS?

No, email verification code is not required for all users in ADFS. You can configure ADFS to require email verification only for specific groups or users, allowing for flexible security policies that meet your organization’s needs.

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