How Can I Get the Current Page Index from PrimeNG Table?
Image by Kenichi -

How Can I Get the Current Page Index from PrimeNG Table?

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Are you tired of scrolling through endless pages of data in your PrimeNG table, wondering which page you’re currently on? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll show you how to get the current page index from PrimeNG table with ease.

What is PrimeNG Table?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a quick look at what PrimeNG Table is. PrimeNG Table is a popular component of the PrimeNG library, a suite of UI components for Angular. It allows you to display and manipulate data in a table format, with features like pagination, filtering, and sorting.

The Problem: Getting the Current Page Index

The default PrimeNG Table component doesn’t provide a built-in way to get the current page index. This can be frustrating, especially when you need to perform actions based on the current page. But fear not, dear reader, for we have a solution for you!

Solution 1: Using the onPage Event

One way to get the current page index is by using the onPage event provided by PrimeNG Table. This event is triggered whenever the user navigates to a new page.

<p-table [value]="data" (onPage)="onPage($event)">

In the above code, we’ve added the (onPage) event to the PrimeNG Table component. The onPage event emits an object with two properties: first and rows. The first property represents the first row index of the current page, and the rows property represents the number of rows per page.

We can then use this information to calculate the current page index in our component:

onPage(event) {
  const pageIndex = Math.floor(event.first / event.rows);
  console.log(`Current page index: ${pageIndex}`);

In this example, we’re using the Math.floor() function to calculate the page index by dividing the first row index by the number of rows per page.

Solution 2: Using the paginator Property

Another way to get the current page index is by using the paginator property provided by PrimeNG Table. This property returns an object with information about the current page, including the page index.

<p-table [value]="data" [paginator]="true">
  <p-paginator [rows]="10"></p-paginator>

In the above code, we’ve added the [paginator]="true" attribute to enable pagination, and a <p-paginator> component to define the number of rows per page.

We can then access the paginator property in our component to get the current page index:

table: Table;

ngAfterViewInit() {
  this.table.paginator.getPage().then(page => {
    const pageIndex =;
    console.log(`Current page index: ${pageIndex}`);

In this example, we’re using the getPage() method of the paginator property to get the current page object, and then accessing its page property to get the current page index.

Solution 3: Creating a Custom Paginator

If you want more control over the pagination process, you can create a custom paginator component that exposes the current page index.

<p-table [value]="data" [paginator]="true">
  <my-paginator [rows]="10" (pageChange)="onPageChange($event)"></my-paginator>

In the above code, we’ve replaced the default <p-paginator> component with a custom <my-paginator> component.

The custom paginator component might look like this:

  <p-paginator [rows]="rows" (onPageChange)="pageChange.emit($event)"></p-paginator>
  <span>Current page: {{ pageIndex }}</span>
  selector: 'my-paginator',
  templateUrl: './paginator.component.html'
export class PaginatorComponent {
  @Input() rows: number;
  @Output() pageChange = new EventEmitter<any>();

  pageIndex: number;

  onPageChange(event) {
    this.pageIndex =;

In this example, we’ve created a custom paginator component that exposes the current page index through an @Output() property. We’ve also added a template that displays the current page index.


And there you have it! Three solutions to get the current page index from PrimeNG Table. Whether you choose to use the onPage event, the paginator property, or create a custom paginator component, you now have the tools to get the current page index with ease.

So the next time you’re working with PrimeNG Table, remember that getting the current page index is just a few lines of code away.


  1. What is the default page size in PrimeNG Table?

    The default page size in PrimeNG Table is 10 rows per page.

  2. How do I enable pagination in PrimeNG Table?

    You can enable pagination by adding the [paginator]="true" attribute to the PrimeNG Table component.

  3. Can I customize the pagination template in PrimeNG Table?

    Yes, you can customize the pagination template by using the <p-paginator> component and applying your own template.

Solution Description
Using the onPage Event Listen to the onPage event to get the current page index.
Using the paginator Property Access the paginator property to get the current page index.
Creating a Custom Paginator Create a custom paginator component that exposes the current page index.

We hope you found this article helpful! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to ask.

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Ready to start building amazing applications with PrimeNG? Get started today and discover the power of PrimeNG for yourself!

Happy coding!

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “How can I get the current page index from PrimeNG table”:

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck while working with PrimeNG tables? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions about getting the current page index from PrimeNG table.

How can I get the current page index from PrimeNG table?

You can get the current page index from PrimeNG table by using the `.onPage` event and getting the `first` property from the event. For example, `(onPage)=”onPage($event)”` and then in your component `onPage(event) { console.log(event.first / event.rows); }`.

Is there a way to get the current page index without using the `onPage` event?

Yes, you can use the ` datatable.getFirst()` method to get the first row index and then divide it by the number of rows per page to get the current page index.

How can I get the current page index when the table is paginated?

When the table is paginated, you can get the current page index by using the `paginator` property of the table and getting the `page` property from it. For example, ``.

Can I get the current page index when the table is lazy loaded?

Yes, you can get the current page index even when the table is lazy loaded by using the `load` event and getting the `first` property from the event. For example, `(onLoad)=”onLoad($event)”` and then in your component `onLoad(event) { console.log(event.first / event.rows); }`.

Is there a way to get the current page index from a PrimeNG table in a template-driven form?

Yes, you can use a template variable to get a reference to the table and then access the `paginator` property to get the current page index. For example, `` and then `{{ }}`.

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