Unraveling the Mystery: Resolved “‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ which is not part of the dependency lock state”
Image by Kenichi - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: Resolved “‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ which is not part of the dependency lock state”

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a frustrating error message that’s got you stumped: “‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ which is not part of the dependency lock state”. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there! In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Maven dependencies, explore the possible causes of this error, and provide a step-by-step guide to resolving it.

What is the Dependency Lock State?

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand what the dependency lock state is. In Maven, the dependency lock state is a mechanism that ensures reproducibility and stability in your project’s build process. When you run `mvn clean package`, Maven creates a `pom.xml` file that lists all the dependencies required for your project. The dependency lock state is a snapshot of these dependencies, ensuring that the same versions are used across different builds.

What Causes the Error?

Now, let’s get to the root of the problem. The error message “‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ which is not part of the dependency lock state” typically occurs when:

  • You’ve updated a dependency in your `pom.xml` file, but Maven is still referencing an older version.
  • You’ve introduced a new dependency that conflicts with an existing one.
  • Your project’s `pom.xml` file is not properly synchronized with the `pom.xml` files of your dependencies.

Resolving the Error: A Step-by-Step Guide

Fear not, dear reader! With these simple steps, you’ll be able to resolve the error and get your project back on track.

Step 1: Update Your Dependencies

Begin by updating your dependencies in the `pom.xml` file. Check if there are any updates available for the `zip4j` dependency:


Try updating the version to the latest one available. You can do this by visiting the [Maven Repository](https://mvnrepository.com/) and searching for the `zip4j` dependency.

Step 2: Clean and Update Your Maven Project

Perform a clean and update on your Maven project to ensure that the dependencies are properly updated:

mvn clean package
mvn dependency:resolve

This will rebuild your project and update the dependencies accordingly.

Step 3: Check for Conflicting Dependencies

It’s possible that there’s a conflicting dependency in your project. Use the following command to identify any conflicting dependencies:

mvn dependency:tree

This will generate a dependency tree, highlighting any conflicts or issues. Take note of any conflicting dependencies and update or remove them as necessary.

Step 4: Validate Your `pom.xml` File

Verify that your `pom.xml` file is properly formatted and synchronized with the `pom.xml` files of your dependencies. You can do this by:

mvn validate

This command will check your `pom.xml` file for any errors or warnings.

Step 5: Delete the `.m2` Repository

In some cases, Maven’s local repository cache can cause issues. Try deleting the `.m2` repository and then rebuild your project:

rm -rf ~/.m2/repository
mvn clean package

This will force Maven to re-download the dependencies and rebuild your project.


There you have it! By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the error “‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ which is not part of the dependency lock state”. Remember to stay calm, patient, and methodical when troubleshooting Maven errors. With practice, you’ll become a Maven master, effortlessly resolving dependencies and building robust projects.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

Here are some additional tips to keep in mind when working with Maven dependencies:

  1. Use the `mvn dependency:analyze` command to analyze your dependencies and identify potential issues.
  2. Keep your `pom.xml` file clean and organized, using clear and concise naming conventions.
  3. Avoid using deprecated or outdated dependencies, as they can cause compatibility issues.
  4. Regularly update your Maven version to ensure you have the latest features and bug fixes.
Common Maven Errors Solutions
‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ which is not part of the dependency lock state Update dependencies, clean and update project, check for conflicts, validate `pom.xml`, and delete `.m2` repository
Dependency not found Check Maven repository, update dependencies, and validate `pom.xml`
Build failure due to conflicting dependencies Identify and resolve conflicting dependencies, update `pom.xml`, and rebuild project

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle even the most daunting Maven errors. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to the most commonly asked questions about resolving the ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ dependency issue.

Why does the error ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ occur in my Gradle project?

This error occurs when the dependency ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ is not part of the dependency lock state in your Gradle project. This means that the dependency is not explicitly declared in your build.gradle file, but is still being used by another dependency. To resolve this issue, you need to explicitly declare the dependency in your build.gradle file or remove the dependency that is using it.

How do I resolve the ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ dependency issue in my Gradle project?

To resolve this issue, you can add the dependency ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ to your build.gradle file. You can do this by adding the following line to your dependencies block: implementation ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’. Alternatively, you can remove the dependency that is using ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ if it’s not necessary for your project.

What is the dependency lock state in Gradle?

The dependency lock state in Gradle is a mechanism that ensures that the dependencies used in your project are consistent across different builds. It ensures that the same version of a dependency is used throughout the project, even if different modules or subprojects have different versions of the same dependency. This helps to prevent version conflicts and ensures that your project builds consistently.

Can I use a different version of the ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j’ dependency in my Gradle project?

Yes, you can use a different version of the ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j’ dependency in your Gradle project. However, you need to ensure that the version you choose is compatible with the other dependencies in your project. You can check the compatibility of different versions of the dependency by checking the documentation or release notes of the dependency. You can also use the Gradle dependency inspector to check the dependencies used by your project and identify any potential conflicts.

Is the ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ dependency stable and reliable?

The ‘net.lingala.zip4j:zip4j:2.11.5’ dependency is a stable and reliable dependency that is widely used in Gradle projects. It is maintained by the Lingala team and has a good track record of being compatible with different versions of Gradle. However, as with any dependency, it’s always a good idea to check the release notes and documentation of the dependency to ensure that it meets your project’s requirements and is compatible with your project’s dependencies.