How do I allow the user to change the URL in the address bar for a window opened with
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How do I allow the user to change the URL in the address bar for a window opened with

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Have you ever tried to open a new window using the method, only to find that the URL in the address bar is stuck and won’t budge? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll explore the mysteries of the method and uncover the secrets to allowing users to change the URL in the address bar.

The Problem: A Stuck URL

When you use the method to open a new window, the URL in the address bar is set to the value you specify in the method. For example:'', '_blank');

In this case, the URL in the address bar of the new window will be set to But what if you want to allow the user to change the URL? By default, the URL in the address bar is read-only, and the user can’t modify it. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re building a web application that requires users to navigate to different pages.

The Solution: Using the Location Object

The key to allowing users to change the URL in the address bar lies in the location object. The location object is a property of the window object, and it provides information about the current URL of the window. But more importantly, it also allows you to modify the URL!

To allow users to change the URL in the address bar, you need to use the location.replace() method. This method replaces the current URL in the address bar with a new one. Here’s an example:'', '_blank');
var newWindow ='', '_blank');

In this example, we first open a new window using the method. Then, we get a reference to the new window using the method again (this time with an empty string as the first argument). Finally, we use the location.replace() method to replace the current URL in the address bar with a new one.

But Wait, There’s More!

The location.replace() method is not the only way to allow users to change the URL in the address bar. You can also use the location.href property to achieve the same result. Here’s an example:'', '_blank');
var newWindow ='', '_blank');
newWindow.location.href = '';

The location.href property sets or retrieves the entire URL of the window, including the protocol, hostname, port, and path. By setting this property to a new value, you can change the URL in the address bar.

But What About Browser Security?

Before we get too excited about allowing users to change the URL in the address bar, let’s talk about browser security. Modern browsers have strict security policies that prevent web pages from modifying the URL in the address bar without the user’s explicit consent. This is known as the same-origin policy.

The same-origin policy states that a web page can only access and modify the URL of a window if the web page and the window have the same origin. The origin is defined by the protocol, hostname, and port of the URL. If the origins don’t match, the browser will prevent the web page from modifying the URL.

So, how do we get around this security restriction? The answer lies in using the target attribute of the method. By setting the target attribute to _self, you can allow the user to change the URL in the address bar within the same origin. Here’s an example:'', '_self');

In this example, the method opens a new window with the specified URL, but sets the target attribute to _self. This allows the user to change the URL in the address bar within the same origin.


Allowing users to change the URL in the address bar for a window opened with is a common requirement in web development. By using the location object and the target attribute, you can overcome the security restrictions and provide a better user experience. Remember to follow best practices and ensure that your implementation is secure and compliant with browser policies.

Method Description Opens a new window with the specified URL.
location.replace() Replaces the current URL in the address bar with a new one.
location.href Sets or retrieves the entire URL of the window.
target attribute Specifies the target window or frame for the URL.

By following the instructions and explanations in this article, you should now be able to allow users to change the URL in the address bar for a window opened with Remember to test your implementation thoroughly to ensure that it works as expected in different browsers and scenarios.


  • Q: Can I use the method to open a new tab instead of a new window?

    A: Yes, you can use the method to open a new tab by setting the target attribute to _blank.
  • Q: How do I prevent the user from changing the URL in the address bar?

    A: You can prevent the user from changing the URL in the address bar by using the location.replace() method with a fixed URL, or by using a JavaScript library or framework that provides URL manipulation features.
  • Q: Can I use the method to open a new window with a different origin?

    A: Yes, you can use the method to open a new window with a different origin, but be aware of the same-origin policy and browser security restrictions.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of how to allow users to change the URL in the address bar for a window opened with If you have any further questions or need more information, please feel free to ask!

Thank you for reading, and we’ll see you in the next article!

Frequently Asked Question

Hey developer! Are you struggling to allow users to change the URL in the address bar for a window opened with Worry no more! We’ve got the answers right here!

Can I directly change the URL in the address bar of a window opened with

Unfortunately, no! The URL in the address bar of a window opened with cannot be directly changed. creates a new window with a fixed URL, and the address bar is not editable. But don’t worry, we’ve got workarounds!

Is there a way to update the URL in the address bar without reloading the page?

Yes! You can use the HTML5 History API to update the URL in the address bar without reloading the page. You can use the pushState() or replaceState() methods to modify the URL. However, this method requires a good understanding of the History API and its implications.

Can I use JavaScript to update the URL in the address bar?

Yes! You can use JavaScript to update the URL in the address bar, but with some limitations. You can use the location object to update the URL, but this will cause the page to reload. If you want to avoid reloading the page, you can use the HTML5 History API oruse frameworks like React or Angular that provide built-in support for URL manipulation.

Are there any security concerns when updating the URL in the address bar?

Yes! When updating the URL in the address bar, you need to be careful about security concerns like phishing or spoofing attacks. Make sure to validate user input and avoid updating the URL with untrusted data. Additionally, be aware of same-origin policy restrictions when updating the URL.

What are some best practices for updating the URL in the address bar?

Some best practices include: validate user input, avoid updating the URL with untrusted data, use the HTML5 History API or modern frameworks for URL manipulation, and be mindful of same-origin policy restrictions. Additionally, consider using URL parameters or hashes instead of modifying the URL path.

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